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Fatal error while using TPT connector at source levels

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:32 am

I designed a job and getting failed with this error message.

Fatal :
Teradata_Connector_115: [IIS-CONN-DAAPI-000034] An internal error has occurred (CC_DBSchemaRules::checkSizeDecimalSource, file CC_DBSchemaRules.cpp, line 1942)

Additional Information
Design is something like this ....

TPT conn ---> Transformer ----> TPT conn

Select statement at first TPT and then no Transformations at T and then insert statement ( I kept generate SQL as YES ) at second TPT.

Transformer_125: Error when checking operator: Could not find input field "ETL_MDDS_ID".

Transformer_125: Error when checking operator: When binding input schema variable "APT_TRinput0Rec0": A transfer adapter is dropping the non-existent field "XXXX____ID".

Please post your views incase you came across such issues.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Fatal error while using TPT connector at source levels

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:28 pm
by srini.dw
Reason is Days worked --change float to decimal.

Teradata data type ,
NUMERIC(p,s) is equal to DECIMAL NMUMRIC in WS DS SQL Data type.

Re: Fatal error while using TPT connector at source levels

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:12 am
by devo
Thank you! This helped me as well. Follow-up question, in the old Server edition you could view the data and it would also check to make sure the schema fit as well, but it does not appear to do that in PX. Is there any way to validate the schema in designer without running the entire job?