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creating a CFF with "redefines"

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:36 am
by kapil_333
I'm writing the code to replace a Mainframe job with a DS parallel job. In which I have to create the CFF file with "redefines" in it. But the job is not geting validated.

Complex_Flat_File_10: Error when checking operator: Export validation failed.
Complex_Flat_File_10: Error when checking operator: At field "U600_RX_FILL_INFORMATION": At field "U600_DATE_FILL": "redefines" property cannot appear in an export schema
Error when checking operator: At field "U600_RX_FILL_INFORMATION": At field "U600_DATE_WRITTEN": "redefines" property cannot appear in an export schema

Is is possible to to do so?
Pls Help....... :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:55 am
by chulett
Obviously, "redefines" are not allowed, the error message clearly states that. Have you searched the forums, this isn't the first time someone has asked this question.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:10 am
by hitmanthesilentassasin
craig I tried searching the forum but with no luck. well, It does mention that redefines are not allowed there but doesnt really give any clues like why not(I have already checked the level is the same, the length is equal to what is being redefined). Would it be possible for you to help?
