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not able to view/exec job using teradata enterprise stage v8

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:50 am
by pankajp123
IT's surprising teradata enterprise stage come with release 8 is not functioning as it was with version 7.5.I have followed all the instruction given in mannual.
--It's not creating terasync table
--giving below error when you click view data
<Teradata_Source> APT_TeraUtils::connect: connect (simple) failed.
--I already set environment variable APT_TERASYNC_USER, APT_TERASYNC_PASSWORD,APT_TERASYNC_DATABASE then also it's giving same problem.
-- when we execute job it gives below error and not creating terasync table though user has create right.
Teradata_Enterprise_9: Cannot connect to database 'devserver' on server 'DemoTDAT'.
--If we delibrately create terasync table in default db then also it's giving same error.

i will be so kind if you could give steps to make it fuctioning

thanks and regards,
Pankaj Pathak

Re: not able to view/exec job using teradata enterprise stag

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:09 am
by infranik
The problem in this case is the NLS map defined in the stage property is taking the project default value.
The default NLS for Teradata is ASCII.
modify the NLS map setting in the stage property to ASCII
After that search and edit the tera_cs.txt file (take a backup before) to add the following line:


This will ensure that the tera_cs.txt file is having the right NLS map which Teradata is expecting.

Once that is done the job should run fine.
Note: please check the permissions on the TD database user as the user should have create table rights on the database specified. This is because the Enterprise stage creates and uses the terasync table on the database. A minimum of 100mb perm space is required. Please ensure that the database has that space.

Re: not able to view/exec job using teradata enterprise stag

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:44 pm
by John Smith
[quote="pankajp123"]IT's surprising teradata enterprise stage come with release 8 is not functioning as it was with version 7.5.I have followed all the instruction given in mannual.

it is surprising indeed. wow in that case please report this to IBM. :roll: