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Varchar to Timestamp

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:49 am
by Nav_DS
Hi Folks,

I've been working to solve two issues, but haven't been successful as yet. So, decided to lay down the issue here to see if anyone can help me:

ETL Map Source : Flat-File
ETL Map Target : SQL Server 2005 Table

There's a field in the flat file with values similar to -> 9/28/2007 (mm/dd/yyyy) without any time component, which will get mapped to a field in my target table defined using the Datetime datatype with values similar to -> 2007-09-28 00:00:00.000 (Timestamp)

I've been facing problems in the transformer stage trying to convert the incoming Varchar field into a Datetime field!

Logs show a warning stating that the conversion function to convert to a timestamp_from_string is not working.

I used a PEEK to see the contents of this field and all i can see is -> SRV_Date: **********

Can anyone help me resolve this issue ?

2)Within the same FlatFile is an Amount field with values similar to -> $330.00 which will get mapped to an Amount field in the target table defined as a Decimal (19,2)
Effort is to remove the prefixed - '$' symbol before loading the table. I tried using StringToDecimal but this didn't work !

For both the issues above, can anyone give me the right SYNTAX as in examples so that i can get these hurdles out of the way ASAP !

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:32 pm
by mandyli
ETL Map Source : Flat-File
ETL Map Target : SQL Server 2005 Table

There's a field in the flat file with values similar to -> 9/28/2007 (mm/dd/yyyy) without any time component, which will get mapped to a field in my target table defined using the Datetime datatype with values similar to -> 2007-09-28 00:00:00.000 (Timestamp)

I've been facing problems in the transformer stage trying to convert the incoming Varchar field into a Datetime field!

Logs show a warning stating that the conversion function to convert to a timestamp_from_string is not working.

: - This one please don't use conversion here. try to load Varchar to TimeTime also you need to load without last 3 '.000'

2)Within the same FlatFile is an Amount field with values similar to -> $330.00 which will get mapped to an Amount field in the target table defined as a Decimal (19,2)
Effort is to remove the prefixed - '$' symbol before loading the table. I tried using StringToDecimal but this didn't work !

Decimal will not accept $ symbol. So you need load amount value only.


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:04 pm
by DSguru2B
Append time to you date with a space between date and time and then use StringToTimestamp() to convert into a timestamp.
As for your other issue, use Convert() to convert dollar sign to an empty character('').

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:22 am
by sandeepgs

Question 1: Convertion of varchar EX: 9/28/2007 to 2007-09-28 00:00:00.000

Solution: As your reading this as varchar in transformer you can do the convertion. I am specifying the logic

StringToTimestamp(DSLink8.a :"000000","%mm/%dd/%yyyy%hh%nn%ss")

DSLink8.a is the input column name.Specify your column name here.

This conversion specified will convert the varchar to timestamp.

Question 2: Convert the amount in the source (flat file) Ex: $330.00 to a decimal value in the target O/P should be 330.00

Solution: when you are reading as varchar in source then use this conversion function in transformer. It will convert varchar to decimal.

StringToDecimal(DSLink8.s [2,19],"ceil")

Here in this derivation I uses a "substr" function and specified the starting position as "2"

DSLink8.s is the column name.Specify your column name here.

Try this out If any questions please let me know.. :)

Issues resolved !

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:16 am
by Nav_DS
Thanks guys for pitchin in quick !

DSguru2B's example is what solved the issue for me...


I isolated Day Month & Year into 3 seperate stage variables and then appended each of them in the format i needed along with the timestamp aswell. i.e : SV_YEAR:'-':SV_MON:'-':SV_DT:' ':' 00:00:00.000' which will output 2007-12-22 00:00:00.000 !

The second issue was resolved using the CONVERT function :
TRIM(CONVERT("$"," ",Amount_Field))

Thanks again gentlemen for your quick responses :)