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Sqlserver Stored Procedure

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:44 am
by snt_ds
I have a job in which stored procedure will be called and output of stored proc will be sent to further process.
Stored Proc will take 2 arguments as input and provides the output in 2 arguments.
Input arg : startdate and enddate
Output are : ABC and XYZ.
Please let me know which stage (STP or ODBC) to use to call sql server stored procedure.

Thanks in Advance

use stored procedure stage

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:29 am
by filename.txt
Use Stored Procedure stage and you have a option for SQL Server as one of the vendors, Try it...
Since your requirement has both input and output you cannot use ODBC stage.

Follow this Link

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:22 am
by snt_ds
We are using STP stage but we are having problem while selecting multiple records as output. Its working fine for a single record output.

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:37 pm
by rsiem
snt_ds wrote:We are using STP stage but we are having problem while selecting multiple records as output. Its working fine for a single record output.

Thanks in Advance
I've been having tonnes of issues with it too. Passing parameters to a stored proc seems to be a no go for me using the Stored Procedure stage. As well, sometimes the ODBC Enterprise stage works fine for me and sometimes it can't see the field names. Bizarre. And other times both the ODBC Enterprise stage AND the Stored Procedure stage fail.

Data Direct, on their web site, claim their most recent version supports SQL Server 2005, but I wonder if the version that is included with Datastage has some issues with SQL Server 2005.