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View data error on the dataset

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:37 pm
by saikiran
I am trying to load two sequential files into the dataset using a join.The job runs fine without any errors and warnings.When I hit view data it pops out a message saying

No rows retured from the view data server commond..... when I click yes it says
View data for limiter hit
Can any one suggest on how to view the data

I dont see any errors nor any warnings in the datastage director.
When I hit the view data button for the dataset it pops out a message

No rows were retured on the view data server command.
Would you like to view the commonds output.

If I click yes
It shows me
View data for limiter hit
Thank you

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:40 pm
by ray.wurlod
View Data on which link?

Please post the entire and exact error message.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:26 pm
by ramesh_inform
fore most thing is that the question is incomplete

1.probable answer may be there may be "0" rows in your dataset/sequential file(whatever you are trying to view).

2.after clicking 'yes' in the message "no rows were returned......"
on the right most corner check the box "view error lines only"

and try resolving those errors.