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What's wrong with the logic, no data populated, no error

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:05 am
by pxraja
Hi all,

I am using stage variables, to get the updated fields alone , i.e,
I am having 3 fields of which one field is primary key

Inlink.Field1, Inlink.Field2, Inlink.Field3
Mar 08 465155 'akjdfkjfd'
Jun 08 645553 'djkfdkafj'
Feb 08 464885 'hdahdgfd'

Outlink.Field1, Outlink.Field2, Outlink.Field3
Feb 08 464885 'hdahdgfd'
Mar 08 465155 'akjdfkjfd'

these are the records already in Oracle table, now I want to pass updated record, i.e

Outlink.Field1, Outlink.Field2, Outlink.Field3
Feb 08 464885 'hdahdgfd'
Mar 08 465155 'akjdfkjfd'
Jun 08 645553 'djkfdkafj'

to get this i am using the stage variables, like
DSLink30.Field1 -------> RefCmon
DATE.TAG(Iconv(Lnk_Src_Trf.Field,'D MY[A3,2]'))---->InCmon
If InCMon > RefCMon Then '1' Else '0' ------>AllowCMon

I don't get any any errors, but no rows were written to output

any one plz help me to resolve

thanks in advancee

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:26 am
by pxraja
I forgot to include few more things,

ODBC--->TRF -------->ODBC

i am using the constraint, Dslink20.field1 from Lkup(hash file) it has the value '2008-03-01' (only this record) and the constraint used is

Field1 is the primarykey

No rows were written to the output ODBC,

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:28 am
by pxraja
LkUp is done on the transformer. I had checked the conditions and logs no errors or warnings are found.

plz any one suggest some ideas

thanks in advance