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Error on Sys Vrbl in Transformer derivation

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:22 pm
by jherr22
I used Administrator to create a vrbl:
RUN_DATE with value of "2008-06-06"
In the job transformer, in a field defined as: VarChar 10
In the field, I used the derivation editor to select: Job Parameter.
$RUN_DATE is in the list, which I then select.
So, I end up with $RUN_DATE in the derivation field.
When I compile the job I get an error.
I select the "More" button, and I see:

... Error when ...: Unexpedted tokens: ;[line 12, character 7].
... Error when ...: Invalid Local variable declaration: ;[line 12, character 7].
... Error when ...: Unexpected tokens: ;[line 57, character 37].
... Error when ...: Expected an operand; [line 57, character 35].
... Error when ...: Expected semi-colon; [line 57, character 37].

Lines 10-13 say:
0010: global {
0011: //Job Parameter declaration
0012: string $RUN_DATE
0013: }

Line 57 says:

Can you help?
-- john