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Job running without finishing for more than 24hrs

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:13 am
by Suman
We have a parallel job with many join stages and filter stage to split records based on some criteria. The job is running for more than 24 hrs without stopping. After the filter stage the job in designner is showing 0 records and in the Monitor in director it is showing running even after 24 hrs without increasing the counts of records. Here input is db2 tables. We are able to run the job with 1000 input records but when we are increasing the input to 10000 it is running. Any reason to find out why with larger volume the job is hanging.


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:09 am
by Suman
The job is stuck in a filter stage inside the job and it is not doing anything after that. Filter stage is supposed to split the data into four different output links based on some condition. Is there any problem with Filte stage which is causing the job to hang. This job ran earlier with the same design. When volume is more is there any problem with filter stage?
