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Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:25 am
by krisna
Hi All,

Iam using seqfile--> transformer --> oracleenterprise

iam getting this warning.

When checking operator: When validating export schema: Unrecognized top level format property: nocheck

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:46 am
by ArndW
Are you using LOAD method in the Oracle stage? The message seems to indicate the Oracle stage, but you can test by replacing it with a peek to see if the error remains.

Unrecognized top level format property: nocheck in Oracle

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:24 pm
by johnshot
We have made many different attempts to get rid of this pesky msg in our Oracle Load Enterprise stage.
We have failed and have been forced to demote to informational.

For the record we are doing:
Oracle Enterprise (on AIX) stage,; set to LOAD;TRUNCATE;
(we want to do a conventional path load as the files are small)

Stage Options:
Disable constraints=TRUE
index mode=Rebuild
Add Compute statistics=False (It's a small load)
Add Nologging = TRUE
Silently drop=False
Truncate Col names = False

The job runs fine, all rows load correctly, indexes are rebuilt correctly; logs are created etc.
We have tried checking all Field level properties in transform prior to load;
tried adding a transform, putting all variables, datatype changes etc in that xform then mapping to a second with no changes.
None of this worked so we gave up and demoted.
I saw on another thread this is a known issue with Ascential but don't have time to follow up on that.
If you figure it out please post a resolution.