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standard script to run DS from Solaris

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:45 am
by jasper

we're working in a solaris environment, where datastage jobs are scheduled trough autosys. That means we have to create a short unix script for every workflow we schedule. At this point we've created a runds script which is a wrapper around somedsjob commands . (most of this is indeed info from other posts on this forum)

Code: Select all

#! /bin/ksh
#set -x
# script  
# purpose           runs the datastage-job supplied in the parameters
# author            
# date              
# parameters        -S<ds-server>
#                   -U<ds-user>
#                   -P<ds-pasword>
#                   -E<ds-project/environment>
#                   -J<ds-job>
#                   -R<reset_flag>
#                   -A<automaticly-completeprojectflag>
#                   [-O<ds-parameters>]
#                   [-I<invocationid>]
# changed at
# reason
# changed by
# Initialization: execute profiles
. /start/lib/rts/common/bin/
. /${teleEnv}/lib/sft/dts/bin/
# function : translate ds-returncodes to unix-standards


 case ${dscode} in
    0) out=3 ;;  #Job still running
    1) out=0 ;;  #run ok
    2) out=1 ;;  #run with warnings
    3) out=3 ;;  #run failed
    21) out=3 ;; #run reset
    97) out=3 ;; #run stopped
    90) out=3 ;; #start job didn't start requested job
    93) out=3 ;; #job started by wStart failed
    99) out=3 ;; #job has never run
  print ${out}

#start of script

# check input parameters

while getopts "S:U:P:E:J:R:A:O:I:" option
    case ${option} in
      "U" ) DS_USER=${OPTARG}
            ((filledparm = $filledparm +1 ))
      "S" ) DS_SERVER=${OPTARG}
            ((filledparm = $filledparm +1 ))
      "P" ) DS_PASWRD=${OPTARG}
            ((filledparm = $filledparm +1 ))
      "E" ) DS_PROJECT=${OPTARG}
            ((filledparm = $filledparm +1 ))
      "J" ) DS_JOB=${OPTARG}
            ((filledparm = $filledparm +1 ))
      "R" ) RESET_FLAG=${OPTARG}
            ((filledparm = $filledparm +1 ))
      "A" ) AUT_ADD=${OPTARG}
            ((filledparm = $filledparm +1 ))
      "O" ) DS_OPTIONS=${OPTARG}
      "I" ) INVOC_ID=${OPTARG}
      \?  ) print "usage : ${0} -S<ds-server> -U<ds-user> -P<ds-pasword> -E<ds-project/environment> -J<ds-job> -R<reset_flag> -A<automaticly-completep
rojectflag> [-O<ds-parameters>] [-I<invocationid>]"
            return 4
if [[ ${filledparm} < 7 ]] then
    print "usage : ${0} -S<ds-server> -U<ds-user> -P<ds-pasword> -E<ds-project/environment> -J<ds-job> -R<reset_flag> -A<automaticly-completeprojectfl
ag> [-O<ds-parameters>] [-I<invocationid>]"
    return 4
#extra parameter action
#if the projectname has a structure like NAME(ENV) the environment can be automatically added ex PRDTNG
typeset -u TNENV=${teleEnv}
if [[ ${AUT_ADD} = 'Y' ]] then
#log what the script tries to start
echo trying to run ${DS_JOB} in project ${DS_PROJECT} on server ${DS_SERVER} for user  ${DS_USER} with resetflag=${RESET_FLAG}
echo with ds-parameters: ${DS_OPTIONS} PARAMS_GIVEN=${PARAMS_GIVEN}
echo with invocationid:  ${INVOC_ID} INVOCATION_GIVEN=${INVOC_GIVEN}
#to be checked: can we first test if user and pasword are correct, if they are wrong the messsage below does not fit

#check if job exists
jobcheck=`${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -ljobs ${DS_PROJECT}|grep ${DS_JOB}`
echo job=$jobcheck
if [[ ${jobcheck} != ${DS_JOB}  ]] then
    print "job: " ${DS_JOB} " does not exist in  project:"${DS_PROJECT}
return 4
#check current status of this job
#if resetflag =Y perform reset when not ready, else abort when status invalid to run the job

CUR_STATUS=`${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -jobinfo ${DS_PROJECT} ${DS_JOB}|grep 'Job Status'|cut -d
 '(' -f2|cut -d ')' -f1`

echo current status=${CUR_STATUS}
if [[ ${CUR_STATUS} = 1 ]] then #previous run succesfull
  echo jobstatus before run ok, continue

elif [[ ${CUR_STATUS} = 2 ]] then #previous run succesfull with warnings
  echo jobstatus before run ok, continue

elif [[ ${CUR_STATUS} = 99  ]] then #first run for this job after compile
  echo jobstatus before run ok, continue

elif [[ ${CUR_STATUS} = 3  ]] then #previous run aborted

  if [[ ${RESET_FLAG} = 'Y' ]] then
         #reset job
         echo previous run failed performing automatic reset
         ${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -run -mode RESET ${DS_PROJECT} ${DS_JOB}
  else echo previous run aborted, no automatic reset specified stop with error
         return 4  #error
else echo not sure about state current status: ${CUR_STATUS} lets try to start
#actually run the job with or without params
if [[ ${PARAMS_GIVEN} = 'N' ]] then
  if [[ ${INVOC_GIVEN} = 'N' ]] then
     echo starting job without parameters and without invocationid
     ${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -run -wait -jobstatus ${DS_PROJECT} ${DS_JOB}
  else echo starting job without parameters and with invocationid
       ${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -run -wait -jobstatus ${DS_PROJECT} ${DS_JOB}.${INVOC_ID}
  if [[ ${INVOC_GIVEN} = 'N' ]] then
    echo starting job with  parameters and without invocationid
     ${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -run -param ${DS_OPTIONS} -wait -jobstatus ${DS_PROJECT} ${DS_JO
   else echo starting job with  parameters and with invocationid
       ${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -run -param ${DS_OPTIONS} -wait -jobstatus ${DS_PROJECT} ${DS_

echo returncode from datastage is ${dsretcod}
#translate output to standards
#translate dsoutput to 3values:succes,warnings,fail
#wStart is an overall job that starts other jobs following some standards. wStart itself will never abort, real status needs to be taken from the log
  if [[ ${DS_JOB} = 'wStart' ]] then  #for now this check is only done if job is wStart
     echo since job=${DS_JOB} extra check on log is performed
     dsretcodlog=`${DSHOME}/bin/dsjob -server ${DS_SERVER} -user ${DS_USER} -password ${DS_PASWRD} -logsum  -type INFO -max 5 ${DS_PROJECT} ${DS_JOB}
|grep '@@JOBSTATUS'|cut -d '=' -f2|cut -d',' -f1`
     echo returncode from Log=${dsretcodlog}
if [[ ${dsretcodlog} -gt  ${dsretcod} ]] then
   echo updating returncode to logvalue
U_RETURN=`TransDsToUnix ${dsretcod}`
echo  datastage returncode translated to unixcode is ${U_RETURN}

return $U_RETURN

I still have 2 problems with this script
1: paswords are easily obtained while this script is running. I understand that there is no workaround for this. Anyone any idea if there would be improvement in upcoming versions?

2: we start of by checking if the job exists before running it. But we should actually first check if user and pasword are correct. If an incorrect user is now supplied this script will return that the job does not exist. Is there any way this can be done: just log on to check if user is valid for this server/project?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:31 am
by chulett
Most of which is, in fact, lifted straight from Ken Bland's script posted four or five years ago. Stop passing in userid and password for each run request and instead investigate the use of the -file option.