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Describe failed because of a missing column, Oracle stage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:42 am
by harshada

Foll is the job.

Seq file read --> Transformer-->Oracle table load

The column 'FILE_CODE' is not propagated beyond transformer.
Still i am getting the error
"Oracle_Enterprise_15: Describe failed because of a missing column for FILE_CODE".

Write method=load
Write mode=append.

The column 'FILE_CODE' is not present in the table and is of no importance hence not propagated beyond the transformer.

'FILE_CODE' is the first column to be read of the input fixed width file.

I also went to the extent of trying putting the o/p of job1 in a dataset and
then in job2 the dataset -->oracle table.

in job2 there is no mention of 'FILE_CODE'. Still i am getting this error in job2 as well.
Can anyone please help?


Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:24 am
by OddJob
Have you got Runtime Column Propogation (RCP) enabled for the job/stages?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:26 pm
by jreddy
I had similar problem, but though it doesnt make sense, i added a modify stage inbetween the transformer and Oracle Load, and just a dummy specification like <in_col_name> = <out_col_name>
and it works for me, no more errors.

for eg: in your case, if the column name coming from sequential file is FILE_CODE and in transformer you are mapping that to FCODE that is the column name in oracle table, we usually get the error that you mentioned, that describe failed for FILE_CODE.
My work around is to add a modify between transformer and oracle stage and give just one dummy specification FCODE=FCODE, the input and output metadata for Modify stage is the same as Oracle table.

Try to see if this works for you.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:41 pm
by girija
I think it occurs due to field name mismatch. Go to the datastage manager. Go to tools---> dataset management.
open the dataset and click on show schema...
Copy the schema definition and search for FILE_CODE.
If it not there change the output column name in your transformer as FILE_CODE.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:33 am
by harshada

Runtime Column Propagation (RCP) was a problem. I removed the check and its working now. Thanks for that

Others thanks for the solution provided.


Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:49 pm
by dvpawankumar

It is wierd...I also encountered same error once and I did not do anything. I have deleted the target satge and pulled again from pallate. It worked fine now. RCP was off for me from the begining.

Thanks and Regards,