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Regarding SMP or MPP Environment...

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:54 am
by niharranjan
Hi All,

I am new to DataStage. So please help me...

How could I know whether our project is based on SMP or MPP environment?

Many thanx in advance.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:03 am
by OddJob
Check the configuration file being used to execute your jobs.

If the nodes are running on different machines then it's MPP, whereas if you only have 1 node, or all nodes execute on the same machine you have SMP.

In the config file, parameter 'fastname' gives you the name of the machine a node will execute on.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:16 am
by niharranjan
Thanks OddJob, for your valuable reply... At the moment i pretty much cleared. :)