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Rounding to 10 or 17

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:38 am
by snt_ds

My column definition in Oracle is Number (30,24) as we need accuracy upto 24 decimal places.
Using Upsert method in DS to insert rows but it trunactes beyond 10 if we use Decimal data type and truncates beyond 17 if I use Double.
Checked using a Peek stage and it does the same, that is, DS truncates as mentioned above.
How can I get the accuracy as required upto 24?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:38 am
by dsnovice
Do not do any operations on the column in Datastage transformer.. cast it as Decimal(30,24) in Oci or your source stage and propgate that value directly to orcale OCI stage.. ensure that the meta data matches. that is target also says its Decimal(30,24) or Numeric(30,24)

Thank you,

a novice

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:52 am
by snt_ds
I am calculating this value in the Stage Varibale as 1/<col val>
e.g <col val> is 3 then I will calc 1/3 and expect to save 0.333333..
24 times.
Will casting still help?