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populating only part of the data from record

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:29 am
by DWH-M
i have records like albert/chicago/USA,
stephen seniojur/newjersy/USA
John peter/california/USA

from these 3 records i want to populate only state column data only i want to populate in target means Chicago,Newjersy,California these three names only.

2) The customer had transaction of 25 are there table, how can we find which is the latest transaction.

could you please any one help out in this one,

Thanks in Advance


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:14 am
by keshav0307
sorry but i didn't get your exact requirement.
1. file has three colunms and you want to populate only one column of that.
so what is the issue you have doing it??

file----------copy stage---------target

2. what are the columns you have in the tables, any load timestamps column or any surrogate key column.