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Error Insert into dB2 using ODBC Connector Stage

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:21 pm
I am using ODBC Connector stage to insert records into dB2 files. I am getting following error.

"ODBC_Connector_7,0: [IIS-CONN-ODBC-000016] Execute failed on statement INSERT INTO schhabra.tststr(STRNUM,STRNAM) VALUES(?,?)"

This error looks like I am trying to insert Null (?) value to my database, but to make sure no null value is there I have inserted a Peek stage also before ODBC Connector Stage. And my datastage director is showing me the values in Peek stage.

In ODBC Connector I have selected Auto create insert SQL. I have tried writting my own insert statement, but of no use. I got the same error.
Can any one advice me what am in missing?

-Sumit Chhabra