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Job Not running while calling from Unix

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:18 am
by senthilt1
Hi All,

I have created a job that is running fine with no warnings in Director.

I just tried to run the same job calling through the unix script but its not running.
Error message is "Delimiter not found for column 1".

For the unix script am passing the job name and the project name as the parameters. all set well.

But the same job if i run through DataStage, running well.

What could be the problem? Please let me know.


Senthil P

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:04 am
by balajisr
Do you have any default parameters in your job?

Verify whether you are passing right parameters.

Problem with \307 delimiter

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:54 am
by senthilt1
Hi All,

The Delimiter for my input file is \307 (resembles like A^). When i run the job through unix script with that delimiter the job fails with "the delimiter for the field is not found for the column 1"

The same job is running fine if i runs with datastage.

Also I tried replacing the \307 delimiter with the comma delimited file and then called through the unix script. Its now working fine.

So I suppose, would there be a problem in recognizing the delimiter \307. If so then how the Datastage able to run well the same job.

Please help me to proceed further,


Senthil P