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Metadata problem in Repository

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:26 am
by jseclen
Hi, actually i working with DS EE 7.5.2, and i created many projects in the server. now, in one project are working my Teradata project but, there are problem to work in this project

1) The job duplicate for jobname, in the manager i see two jobs at sametime, when i double click appear all information for both ...
2) After delete this, the job appear with an icon similar to job server, this is a job parallel, and i cant to re deleted, because show a message saying 'Job XXX_YYY does not exist in this project'.
3) The director cant open because show a message 'Runtime error '457', this key is already associated with an element of this collection' and close.

So, i try to resolve this problema creating another project, export the jobs, parameters, tables definition etc. they were working very nice, but the problem appear again after 4 days.

Somebody has any idea about this problem? Why the problema appear only in the project are using Teradata stages ---
