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connectivity of DB2 with Datastage 7.5.1(both on same server

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:40 am
by ajay.prakash03
Hi All,

i installed Datastage 7.5.1 on the same server on which we have Db2.

everything is running fine .. but i am not able to connect with DB2.

I made changes in DSENV file..

Error while impoting the table definition=
unable to initialize plug in..

kindly help us ...If possible let me know ..what kind of entries has to be mase in dsenv file(example).

And is there any way to chek db2 plugin in Package..

Any help.....

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:32 am
by ArndW
Step by step:

1. What changes did you make to the "dsenv" file?
2. Can you issue a UNIX level "db2 connect ..." statement?
3. What method did you use to import from DB2?

these are chnages i made..

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:00 am
by ajay.prakash03
ArndW wrote:Step by step:

1. What changes did you make to the "dsenv" file?

# DB2 Setup section of dsenv

#INSTHOME is the PATH of where the client instance is located (usually the home directory of the instance owner.
INSTHOME=/product/home/irpinst1;export INSTHOME

#DB2INSTANCE is the name of the DB2 client where the databases are cataloged

#DB2DIR is where the DB2 home is located
DB2DIR=/db2_binary/db2_08_01;export DB2DIR



#Include the sqllib, bin, adm and misc to the PATH

export PATH

#Include the DB2 libraries into the LIBPATH AIX or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for SUN and Linux

2. Can you issue a UNIX level "db2 connect ..." statement?
db2 connect to IRPDEV user dsadm using *******

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/AIX64 8.2.9
SQL authorization ID = DSADM
Local database alias = IRPDEV

3. What method did you use to import from DB2? ...
Loginto DS DESIGNER--->Table Definitions---->import--->Plug-in meta data definition---->select plugin---->DSDB2-->ok-->Unable to intilize plug in

My LIBPATH=LIBPATH=`dirname $DSHOME`/branded_odbc/lib:$DSHOME/lib:$DSHOME/uvdlls:$DSHOME/java/jre/bin/classic:$DSHOME/java/jre/bin:$LIBPATH
export LIBPATH

both are on same server.. i installed with sudo user dsadm.

kindly help to resolve this....

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:18 am
by ArndW
Is the DB2 plugin on your designer canvas? I can't recall if you had to specify DB2 explicitly during the installation process at V7. The settings you posted look correct, though.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:40 am
by ajay.prakash03
Is the DB2 plugin on your designer canvas?" YES"

I can't recall if you had to specify DB2 explicitly during the installation process at V7. (ddin't asked at the time of installation)

The settings you posted look correct, though. ...[/quote]

I think i am right...

but problem is still persisting...

Plz help us to come out form this issue...


Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:04 am
by chulett
#Include the DB2 libraries into the LIBPATH AIX or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for SUN and Linux
This looks to be an issue. Try pointing to the 32bit libary rather than the 64bit one.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:56 am
by ajay.prakash03
chulett wrote:
#Include the DB2 libraries into the LIBPATH AIX or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for SUN and Linux
This looks to be an issue. Try pointing to the 32bit libary rather than the 64bit one.
i done the changes..but problem still there.

Plz help us...


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:57 am
by chulett
Unfortunately, seeing as how I know nothing about DB2, that's about all the help I can give here. Other than asking - Have you read the 'Configuration Guide' for the plugin or the specific plugin pdf manual? They should include everything needed configuration-wise to get you going.

Lastly, engage your official support provider. Make them earn the big bucks your company throws their way.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:54 am
by ArndW
If you create a test job that has a DB2 stage as source, can you connect to a table from there using "view data"? If not, what is the error you get?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:39 pm
by WDWolf
did you solve this? I believe the answer is simple. Even though the db2 instance you have co-located and defined as the home instance, I do not think the tables will be seen even in the drop down for importing metadata, right? You have to still catalog the connection just like you would for a remote instance. Build your database and node directory entries and simply catalog to yourself(same server). DS/EE is intefacing with client API's and wants a catalog entry to follow. I believe that this has always been this way and not sure it is really a DS/EE issue rather a local client talking to local database issue and would not matter what tool is accessing it. Every instance I have ever had co-located I have had to do the same.

Re: these are chnages i made..

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:05 am
by Brian Zhang
ajay.prakash03 wrote:
ArndW wrote:Step by step:

1. What changes did you make to the "dsenv" file?

# DB2 Setup section of dsenv

#INSTHOME is the PATH of where the client instance is located (usually the home directory of the instance owner.
INSTHOME=/product/home/irpinst1;export INSTHOME

#DB2INSTANCE is the name of the DB2 client where the databases are cataloged

#DB2DIR is where the DB2 home is located
DB2DIR=/db2_binary/db2_08_01;export DB2DIR



#Include the sqllib, bin, adm and misc to the PATH

export PATH

#Include the DB2 libraries into the LIBPATH AIX or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for SUN and Linux

2. Can you issue a UNIX level "db2 connect ..." statement?
db2 connect to IRPDEV user dsadm using *******

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/AIX64 8.2.9
SQL authorization ID = DSADM
Local database alias = IRPDEV

3. What method did you use to import from DB2? ...
Loginto DS DESIGNER--->Table Definitions---->import--->Plug-in meta data definition---->select plugin---->DSDB2-->ok-->Unable to intilize plug in

My LIBPATH=LIBPATH=`dirname $DSHOME`/branded_odbc/lib:$DSHOME/lib:$DSHOME/uvdlls:$DSHOME/java/jre/bin/classic:$DSHOME/java/jre/bin:$LIBPATH
export LIBPATH

both are on same server.. i installed with sudo user dsadm.

kindly help to resolve this....
The PATH param seems not correct, it should be like below,
From dsenv wrote: PATH=$PATH:$INSTHOME/sqllib/bin:$INSTHOME/sqllib/adm:$INSTHOME/sqllib/misc
export PATH