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job sequence error code -14

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:21 pm
by saini

I have 2 multiple instances job.
These jobs are running in a sequencer one after another.

when I run these jobs individually they run fine but with I try to run the Seq it gives the following error. Please suggest

Invoicejobseq..JobControl (@Invoicejob1): Controller problem: Error calling DSRunJob(Invoicejob1.E1 ), code=-14
[Timed out while waiting for an event]

Invoicejobseq..JobControl (fatal error from @Coordinator): Sequence job (restartable) will abort due to previous unrecoverable errors

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:59 pm
by keshav0307
[Timed out while waiting for an event]
do you know your job is waiting for which event??

Re: job sequence error code -14

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:17 pm
by dnsjain
You need to make sure that you are passing different instance ID. It may be possible that you are not passing them. In that case your first job will run but the other job will fail because the same job is running.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:51 pm
by chulett
The 'event' was it reporting back that it had started, meaning it didn't... at least not fast enough. And it would have nothing to do with Invocation ids. This is a resource problem.

Search the forums for "timed out waiting for an event" and you'll find many conversations on this much loved topic.