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How to define the Oracle tablespace to create my table

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:09 am
by jseclen
Hi Forum, :)

I'm working with DS EE 7.5.2 on AIX, my jobs need to create the target table, but i dont found any property in the help and the stage to set the Tablespace Name.

The DBA create an special tablespace for my jobs, and i want to redirected to this tablespace to create this, and dont use the default ...



Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:36 am
by shamshad
If I were you, I would run the DDL to create the TABLE outside DataStage and then use the Data Stage to refer to the created table. That way we can have greater flexibility on the DDL itself.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:42 am
by jseclen
Thanks for your answer, but there is a problem, the table has 187 columns and defined in a DDL using the Create Statement is heavy, is there any property to define this only????


Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:15 pm
by shamshad
This is what I used to do.

(1) I run my job that CREATES a TABLE in default TABLESPACE (which I
know is not correct and have to be changed.

(2) Once the Job runs successfully, go to any Query Tool (TOAD etc)
that you are using and get the DDL. Describe Table. Cut and Paste
The DDL along with Proper Table SPace Assignment.

(3) If you are running on UNIX, see if you can create a SHELL script
that will login to ORACLE SERVER and CREATE an EMPTY Table

(4) If yes, call this shell script from Sequencer after which call the job
that uses this table.