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Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:37 pm
by eostic
I think the easiest way to check your xpath is to simplify things, copying the job and then deleting columns so that you are using only column.........then visually eye the xpath.... you could have spelling problems, missing elements in the path....namespaces in your xpath with no namespaces in the real document, etc. What you "see" in IE in the hierarchy, you should be able to see in your xpath in the Description.


Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:44 am
by Ronnie
That was it. There was a namespace tucked away in the XML which caused the problem.

Though I didn't quite get what you meant by "deleting columns" so that I am only using "one column". I assume you meant narrowing (deleting columns) down the 1,000+ column/element XML input file eventually to "one column"? That would have taken hours if I'm understanding correctly.

Ernie, thanks for responding and directing me to the problem.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:42 pm
by eostic
...I shouldn't have been so "literal" in my description. Actually "deleting" the columns from the grid could be a bit tedious, or at least require some scrolling ---- but just picking only one from deep inside a node in the metadata importer, or else just doing a single one "by hand" in a brand new link is what I meant.... I do that a lot (retrieving just one single element at the depth I need) for unit testing.
