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fatal errors

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:20 pm
by just4u_sharath
i got error ,which dont have any idea,help me out pls,these r the fatal thrown
APS_DB_REMAINING_JOIN_INDICATORADD_tras,10: dspipe_wait(3019222): Writer timed out waiting for Reader to connect.
APS_DB_REMAINING_JOIN_INDICATORADD_tras,10: The runLocally() of the operator failed. [api/operator_rep.C:4059]
main_program: Step execution finished with status = FAILED. [sc/sc_api.C:252]

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 1:33 am
by ArndW
What kind of a stage is "APS_DB_REMAINING_JOIN_INDICATORADD_tras"? The processes communicate between each other with pipes, so the error message indicates that the process that is supposed to writing to the pipe has either failed or timed out. Any other error messages or warnings in the log?