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Is there any way to catch a record that is giving warning.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:36 am
by kollurianu
Hi All,

APT_CombinedOperatorController(2),0: Conversion error calling conversion routine date_from_string data may have been lost
I want to catch the record that is giving above warning.

Any thoughts , greatly appreciated.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:40 am
by ArndW
PX makes that kind of debugging difficult. Do you know which particular conversion is causing it? If not, you would have to set APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION to find out which transform stage.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:09 am
by kollurianu
ArndW wrote:PX makes that kind of debugging difficult. Do you know which particular conversion is causing it? If not, you would have to set APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION to find out which transform stage.
Thanks Arnd for a quick response..

So I should add APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION environment variable in my Job..and make default as true..And rerun my Job.

So this setting would affect only to my Job right. I mean this is a job level change...I guess so but just want to confirm.

Coming to your other question I am trying to convert string to date and insert into an oracle table.

I have two fields (type varchar) from the input file and I got load these two fields to target table oracle in which they are defined as date.

F1 source(Varchar(10)) --MM-dd-yyyy/mm-dd-yy target date data type.
F2 (from file varchar(10)) -- yyyymmdd.

Initiall When i ran this job with 96 records I was getting bunch of similar warnings.. then after fixing the mm-dd-yy format to mm-dd-yyyy
and then did the date conversion in the transformer..
all the records got loaded successfully but with one such warning.
So I thought it was a date issue..

But now when ran the same job in production with 2million input records job aborted..with bunch of similar warnings.

So I want see which record was giving the problem in the I could fix it.

Thank you all once again.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:18 pm
by sas
May be your typecasting is failing due to invalid data being passed for date conversion. Before using typecasting function, use IsValid and do the conversion only if this function is returning true.

kollurianu wrote:
ArndW wrote:PX makes that kind of debugging difficult. Do you know which particular conversion is causing it? If not, you would have to set APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION to find out which transform stage.
Thanks Arnd for a quick response..

So I should add APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION environment variable in my Job..and make default as true..And rerun my Job.

So this setting would affect only to my Job right. I mean this is a job level change...I guess so but just want to confirm.

Coming to your other question I am trying to convert string to date and insert into an oracle table.

I have two fields (type varchar) from the input file and I got load these two fields to target table oracle in which they are defined as date.

F1 source(Varchar(10)) --MM-dd-yyyy/mm-dd-yy target date data type.
F2 (from file varchar(10)) -- yyyymmdd.

Initiall When i ran this job with 96 records I was getting bunch of similar warnings.. then after fixing the mm-dd-yy format to mm-dd-yyyy
and then did the date conversion in the transformer..
all the records got loaded successfully but with one such warning.
So I thought it was a date issue..

But now when ran the same job in production with 2million input records job aborted..with bunch of similar warnings.

So I want see which record was giving the problem in the I could fix it.

Thank you all once again.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:03 pm
by kollurianu
Thanks a lot Arnd , I was able fix my issue.. and debugging you metioned is a good feature , it tells which stage is causing the problem.

It the null value from source that is causing problem to function.
We got to send no null values to conversion function.

Thank you all once again. :D