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orchestrate fatal error

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:51 am
by bharatmajeti
i got the following two fatal errors in my job
1)main_program: The file identified as '/work/temp/dataset.ds' is not an ORCHESTRATE Data Set descriptor.
2)work/temp/dataset.ds: Data set initialization for "work/temp/dataset.ds":Output-file data set error: work/temp/dataset.ds.

i got one warning in another job.
main_program: Sort key "CHS_PROD_CD" no longer exists in dataset schema. It will be dropped from the inserted sortmerge collector
i am renaming CHS_PROD_CD to PROD_CD in a transformer, i am not dropping this attribute at any stage in my job.

i checked some of the posts that were already posted for ORCHESTRATE, but did nt find the answer.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:04 am
by Rubu
Hi Bharat,

Most of the datastage errors are orchastrate errors, as DS EE runs on Orch engine. So if you find this forum with keyword Orchastrate, you are going to end up with a sea of topics.

More narration of the situation/job design is required to understand the problems you are facing.

Re: orchestrate fatal error

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:05 am
by ArndW
bharatmajeti wrote:...The file identified as '/work/temp/dataset.ds' is not an ORCHESTRATE Data Set descriptor.
Start with fixing that error. Which process created it? What kind of a file is it?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:06 am
by BugFree
The first warning says that the dataset.ds is not a data set descriptor. Where did you get this file from? Does the "View Data" work from inside the stage?
The second fatal error is probably due to the first one. Switching off RCP in the transformer will probably clear the last warning.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:51 am
by balajisr
Did you create dataset using dataset stage?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:00 am
by bharatmajeti
yes, i created the dataset at end of the job. before the dataset a sort stage is used.

when i give another name for the dataset, it is working fine. so i tried to delete the existing dataset by using dataset management in director, it is telling the same fatal errors i mentioned above and failed to delete the dataset. Can you suggest any way

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:10 am
by pratimdc
bharatmajeti wrote:yes, i created the dataset at end of the job. before the dataset a sort stage is used.

when i give another name for the dataset, it is working fine. so i tried to delete the existing dataset by using dataset management in director, it is telling the same fatal errors i mentioned above and failed to delete the dataset. Can you suggest any way
Try deleting the DataSet through Unix shell (not through DataSet management). Following command should help -

orchadmin rm /$DataSetFolder/$PAR_FILE_PATTERN

1. $DataSetFolder denotes folder pointing to datset folder.
2. $PAR_FILE_PATTERN denotes the file name. You can use the value as "*dataset*".

This kind of problem sometimes occur, if there is a "space" before of after the actual dataset name. Sometime a simple copy/paste error ;).

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:54 am
by DSRajesh

Find out whether the descriptor file actually exists with the same dataset name or not.

This sort of errors will get due to physical abesnse of datasets.
