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DB2 UDB API stage sends out strange warning messages

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:09 pm
by mfavero
I have a job which is using the DB2 UDB API (non-parallel) stage in a Parallel job. The job works just fine but the following warning messages come out (all three, just once per run) and they sure make no sense to me.

join_STG_REBATE_CLAIM_REJECT_to_PHARMACY_DATA_FACT,0: Invalid character(s) ([xFC]) found converting string (code point(s): PR_DBE[xFC]PR_DBE) from codepage UTF-8 to Unicode, substituting.

join_STG_REBATE_CLAIM_REJECT_to_PHARMACY_DATA_FACT,0: Invalid character(s) ([xFC]) found converting string (code point(s): DBO[xFC]DBO) from codepage UTF-8 to Unicode, substituting.

join_STG_REBATE_CLAIM_REJECT_to_PHARMACY_DATA_FACT,0: Invalid character(s) ([xFC]) found converting string (code point(s): PHARMACY_DATA_FACT pdf[xFC]STG_REBATE_CLAIM_REJECT stg) from codepage UTF-8 to Unicode, substituting.

I am using mostly defaults. I chose "Generate SELECT clause from column list; enter other clauses" in the Query Type and put "DBO.PHARMACY_DATA_FACT pdf, DBO.STG_REBATE_CLAIM_REJECT stg" in the TableName and " pdf.CLAIM_IDENTIFIER = stg.CLAIM_IDENTIFIER and pdf.CLAIM_STATUS = stg.CLAIM_STATUS and pdf.CLIENT_ID = stg.CLIENT_ID" in the where clause.

Here is the generated SQL:

Code: Select all

   and   pdf.CLAIM_STATUS = stg.CLAIM_STATUS
   and   pdf.CLIENT_ID = stg.CLIENT_ID;
I also changed Transaction Isolation to "Uncommitted Read" and Prefetch rows to "500". That's it.

Any clues would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:02 pm
by mfavero
No one has replied to this message. I took another look and it seems I get these messages for any SQL where I join two or more tables. If I select from only one table the messages do not appear. I tried many things and the jobs actually run fine, but no matter what I tried (custom rather than generated sql or eliminating all line feeds from the where clause or hard coding all values and eliminating job parameter substitution), it just doesn't matter. If I do a join, I get these silly warnings. This has to be some kind of bug in the stage. I am going to submit to IBM :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:47 pm
by chulett
Sorry, don't have 8.x or DB2. If that's all it takes to generate those warnings, as you noted it would be best to take this up with IBM as it does smelly kinda... buggy.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:06 pm
by DSguru2B
Also, prefix all your columns with the proper alias, I see two columns which dont have the alias, in your generated sql.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:45 am
by dsnovice
It is true, that when ever there are more then two tables involved we get this error in Db2 API Stage.

However, this helped resolve the issue. ... wg21455378

Creating a A new User defined Environment variable called
and setting it to 1.

The errors went away.
