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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:39 pm
by ray.wurlod
The short answer is No. View Data takes everything through another layer of mapping (the UNIX-to-Windows bit, specified by your "...-CS" map and any assumptions that the Windows controls used in the data browser may be making). My experience with using View Data is that you see a lot of "unmappable" characters (usually represented by "?") that aren't really unmappable. You need a hex editor of some kind. I like UltraEdit, but that's purely a personal choice.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:06 am
Thanks for the insight. Appreciate it.

I got this job working..... Did a step-by-step revisit/review and found that i hadn't set the encoding to the correct format in the target stage.

Right now, i tried various options
- Set the encoding at the Job level
- Set the encoding at the stage level
- Set the encoding at column level
Got all of them working on the target file side and can view the target file using TextPad.

I then applied the settings on a job that reads from File to the target DB and it worked fine too. I see one strange error with the delimiter string when parsing the header row (Column names).... in the source sequential file - but haven't resolved it yet. I will post an update if i need more help on that.

Due to time constraints, I will defer the "View Data" investigation to a future date.

Thanks again for your time and feedback,