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Problem to catch error codes in STP stage

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:26 am
by DSDexter

I am using the stored procedure stage in my job as a target.


I want to catch the user defined exceptions in the procedure and display them in my director log. I have defined the error codes in the Error Code tab,Under warnings (As I want to display them as warnings). but when i run the job, I am not able to view the warnings in my job log.

Example codes I specified : 00001 02291 29279.

The codes are specified in exactly the same order as displayed above.

I even specified them in the Fatal error section but nothing fruitfull :roll:

Any help in this regards will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:13 am
by Aquilis
I too have faced same issue with STP Stage once.
So by that time i was not having enough time to do any workarounds R&D work.
please give us some inputs regading the same,who have implemented this scenario before.So that i too can come to know what the mistake i have done before.
