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Value file of parameter set

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:15 am
by 199542
Hi Everybody ,
We are using Information Server 8.0 .We have a requirement where we need to get the latest file name and process in datastage.
For that I am using ls -lrt command and storing the latest filename in the UNIX variable INPUT_FILE.
We parameterised that INPUT_FILE_NAME in the parameter set .But the filename changes dynamically as I mentioned above .So , My doubt is whether we can edit parameter INPUT_FILE_NAME present in PROJECTS/PARAMETERSETS/VALUFILENAME So that I can get the value of INPUT_FILE_NAME dynamically from unix env for evry job run .

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:43 am
by ArndW
I think it better to get the value dynamically in a job sequence and then pass that value as a parameter into the job.