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Lookup issue

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:12 am
by reddy
Hi Guys,

Good morning. I am having the issue unmatched records with lookup stage. For unmatched records datastage populating zeros in the fields but one of my traget field (oracle database) is timestamp. because of this job is aborting. Could you please help me handing zeros in the timestamp format field. I appreciately your help and time.


Re: Lookup issue

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:17 am
by gateleys
If the target column (with Timestamp type) is an 'Optional' Column, then populate it with a Null (using the constant @NULL) instead of 0. However, if it is a 'Mandatory' column, then use a distant date, like 09/09/9999. But, I really think that should be mentioned as part of your job spec.