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Abnormal termination of datastage job

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:14 am
by s_porkalai
Hi All,

When i try to ran a job through sequencer, the job got aborted showing the error 'job control process (pid xxx) has failed'. and the job has locked. when i try to compile it is showing the "cannot get exclusive access to executable file or job, job may be being monitored". the previouse run log shows

Code: Select all

The variable "APT_MSG_FILELINE" is not in the environment 
The variable "APT_PM_PLAYER_MEMORY" is not in the environment 
The variable "APT_PM_PLAYER_TIMING" is not in the environment 
The variable "APT_PM_SHOWRSH" is not in the environment 
The variable "APT_PM_SHOW_PIDS" is not in the environment 
The variable "APT_RECORD_COUNTS" is not in the environment 
The variable "APT_SHOW_COMPONENT_CALLS" is not in the environment 
The variable "APT_STARTUP_STATUS" is not in the environment 
The variable "OSH_DUMP" is not in the environment 
The variable "OSH_ECHO" is not in the environment 
The variable "OSH_EXPLAIN" is not in the environment 
The variable "OSH_PRINT_SCHEMAS" is not in the environment 
*****glibc detected**** free():invalid pointer: 0xfffcbf4**** 
The job is running fine when i try to run it individually, but in the log it is showing "job under controll finished"

I took a copy of the job, and remove all the environment variables listed in log and try to run the job again through sequencer, but now the job again got aborted and in previouse run log it is showing the following error

Code: Select all

From Previous run 
Datastage job 204 phantom 14534 
abnormal termination of Datastage 
Fault type is 11. Layer type is Verb. 
CRITICAL ERROR! notify the system administrator. 
But this time the job didn't got locked and i can compile it

Note: the job which is not running now runs well through sequencer before

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:03 pm
by just4u_sharath
kill phantoms and try again

Abnormal termination of datastage job

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:59 am
just4u_sharath wrote:kill phantoms and try again
what are phantoms ? how to kill it?

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:44 am
by ArndW
Phantoms are background processes, but I would suggest that you don't follow the advice and terminate these processes without knowing to which job they belong.

By far the best thing to do is let DataStage take care of locks by enabling the deadlock daemon (you can search this site for references on how to do this)