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ETL tool migration

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:15 am
by ysrini9
I required the information ,How to migrate From Informatica to Data Stage migration.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:42 am
by ArndW
Normally I would have just stated "Hire competent DataStage consulting", but several days ago I heard that IBM/Ascential has a software tool that assists Informatica to DataStage (unsure of whether Server or PX/EE) conversions; this tool is not, as far as I know, for sale or use outside of IBM.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:22 am
by chulett
In other words, hire competent DataStage consulting. From IBM. :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:19 pm
by eostic
The conversion offering is indeed a service offering (the tool is not a generally available utility), but it isn't "just" costly consulting. It is based around a very cool and effective tool. It's been a long time in the making, and had its roots in conversions that we did for a large ERP vendor several years ago to win their business. Some things convert easily, while others are more complex, because the styles of development are different in the products, especially for the more esoteric types of transformation activity. So...the conversion utility provides an extensive "head start" for our team who "smooth out the rough edges" and finish/test the jobs. This isn't a "plug" per se; I am stating the facts. I've seen what the team is able to "technically" deliver with it. Whether it fits into a site's cost structure and needs is a whole other discussion.


Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:43 pm
Well its called DSMigrator but its an internal tool of IBM.Its not yet officially released.So you have to take IBM consulting help to do that.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:49 pm
by chulett
We know, Ernie. Just still noting that it requires IBM to bring that particular gun to bear on your target, it's not something you can just request and get your hands on. :wink: