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Failed to connect to JobMonApp on port 13401

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:48 am
by coface
I know that the issue with "Failed to connect to JobMonApp on port 13401" has been discussed several times in this forum. But none of the mentioned solutions solved our problem. We are using DataStage Enterprise Edition 7.5.3.

As a matter of fact the Job-Monitor is up and running:
#UNIX> ps-ef|grep java
#UNIX> dsadm 26580 1 0 14:19:24 ttyp2
0:00 /opt/applications/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/java/jre/bin/IA64N/java -classpath /opt/applications/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngin

The ports 13400 and 13401 are just used by DataStage and not by any other application. The Logfile of the Job-Monitor doesn't show any errors either:
WELCOME to the Job Mon Application.
Mon Feb 18 14:19:24 CET 2008
Using ports: 13400 and 13401
Mon Feb 18 14:20:21 CET 2008 ResponseParseHandler created.

We have tried to solve that problem without any success so far. The settings of the environment variables APT_MONITOR_TIME, APT_MONITOR_MINTIME and APT_MINITOR_SIZE didn't change the result at all. The warning still appears :(

Any help will be appreciated

Jan H.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:16 am
by lottokahe
Hi Jan,

the jobmonapp stopped and you have to restart it.

Here is a solution how to start it:




Re: Failed to connect to JobMonApp on port 13401

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:24 am
by coface
/etc/nsswitch.conf was missing/misconfigured.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:13 am
by BIuser
Another late reply, but it may help someone.

We had a jobmonapp that would not work.

Dis a netstat, and stuff was listening.

Tried to telnet to the ports from the ds box, and I noticed it was trying another host.

It turned out that some genius had removed the localhost entry from the /etc/hosts file