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Buildop not outputting any rows

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:27 am
by boxtoby
Has anyone come across this problem?

I have created a simple buildop which looks for one character in another a string as a learning exercise. "1" is output when it finds the character and "0" when it doesn't, eg. 1 in 1234 gives "1"; 1 in 2345 gives "0".

The buildop compiles fine.

The source for the job is a simple text file, in to the buildop stage and out to another text file. Only the "1" or "0" is output, or should be.

The job compiles and runs fine, 4 records input but nothing output.

I dropped the two input columns from the output because the produced the warning message about columns with the same name.

The meta data in the repository is correct.

I have tried various setting with the auto read and write on Input/Output/Transfer tabs but nething makes any difference.

Any help would be appreaciated, here's the code in case it helps:


#define INPUT 0
#define OUTPUT 0

#include <string>

using namespace std;
size_t LenFld2 = 0;
APT_Int32 FoundPM = 0;
APT_Int32 int Loop = 1;

int Answer = 0;

Per Record:

LenFld2 = InRec.Field002.length();
FoundPM = 0;
Loop = 1;

while (Loop <= LenFld2)
if (InRec.Field002.substring(Loop,1) == InRec.Field001)
FoundPM = 1;

OutRec.Answer = FoundPM;

Re: Buildop not outputting any rows

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:10 am
by sud
Can you please try :

Code: Select all

instead of WriteRecord. The auto write and transfer settings should be false.

Also, mention the transfer settings you have chosen for this one.