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Run more than 1 job at same time

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:11 pm
by aschand
Can any one please tell me how to run more than 1 job at the same time to load into a table.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:13 pm
by ArndW
Jobs are started from the director or command line, so it is a simple matter to start several at the same time; or make one multi-instance and start several parallel runs of the same job.

The difficulty lies in creating the job(s) so that no locking or other problems occurs and from you post it isn't clear which of these two components you have questions about.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:34 pm
by aschand
My question that how do we populate a single table with more than 1 job

There are 3 different jobs that need to be loaded in a single table... is there a way to run all these three together to populate the table.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:36 pm
by sud

1> what is the database type ... Oracle, DB2 etc etc which one?
2> What do you mean by "LOAD" -- only insert? or insert update ? or what?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:40 pm
by kcbland
Can all three jobs be affecting the same rows? If so, how will you want to handle that? Doesn't one job have a higher priority that another when manipulating a particular row?

What about database locking or contention? What about updates and deletes? What about surrogate key assignments? What about data volume and bandwidth, will you have the capacity to be executing three simultaneous jobs if each job is tuned to maximize hardware resources?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:02 pm
by dspxlearn

Below are the default option for most of the databases.
When you try to 'LOAD' into database an exclusive lock will be made on the tables to maintain the data integrity.

Code: Select all

INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE's - will place a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock.

But, you can make a SELECT statement while the data is getting loaded into database.

Now, its logical that this is the limitation of the databases and not DataStage may not do any magic. :)

Run more than 1 job at same time

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:46 pm
by austin_316
we faced the similar issue when we tried to load data into oracle db with Oracle Enterprise stage through 6parallel jobs running parallel in a sequence. We were getting the error 'resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified'. The properties in the oracle enterprise stage was
Write Method = Load
Write Mode = Append

For this we found a work around where we have given an alter command in the orcale enterprise stage under options
Open Command = alter session enable parallel DML
not sure if this might be the solution for the problem but we are not facing the issue now when trying to load data into that table.