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Loop Activity

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:37 am
by Govindarajan
Can anybody suggest a method for below question!!!!

Source Data (today's load):
ItemCode TotalQty
01 (1000) - negative value

My target is (existing Data)
ItemCode Sequence Qty Net
01 1 100 100
01 2 300 400
01 3 450 850
01 4 500 1350
01 5 150 1500

My Target should be updated like this
ItemCode Sequence Qty Net
01 1 0 900(100<1000 then make it 0 and net is 1000-100)
01 2 0 600(300<900 then make it 0 and net is 900-300)
01 3 0 150(450 < 600 then make it 0 and net is 600-450)
01 4 350 0(150 !<500 then 500-150 =350 net is 0)
01 5 150 (no need to subtract)

How do I implement this in Datastage PX job?


Re: Loop Activity

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:21 pm
by sud
Put the whole logic in a transformer. In fact if there is a relevance or logic to comput the thresholds 1000, 900 etc, even that can be built into the transformer.