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Repeating Elements In Xml Output stage

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:43 am
by Aquilis

Is Values treated as Repeating Elements in XML Output stage wont allow Null values or these always should be Unique values.

I have mentioned two Columns as Repeating elements In Xml Output stage and I am assigning values for the same columns from the functions
DSGetJobInfo(hJob1,DSJ.JOBELAPSED) and DSGetLinkInfo (hJob1, "StageName", "LinkName", DSJ.LINKROWCOUNT).

Is it possible that ,these two functions return Null values ?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:41 pm
by eostic
You'll have to test those functions separately, using isNull functions, etc. to determine their behavior more closely. I've used them, but haven't examined them for every possible return. That should be easy to evaluate by sending the output to a file, peek, etc.

More importantly, on your XML, what is the symptom, or what would you prefer to have XMLOutput do? There are a lot of possibilities, I suppose, depending on your application. You could want an entirely missing element if a value is null, an explicit xsi:nil specification if a value is null, or possibly just have an empty element....
