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Retry upon connection failure in Datastage for MQ and WS

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:31 pm
by bman

I am working on a project where one of the requirement is to have retry logic bulit in the datastage flow so that incase of a conenction failure datastae will retry to load data multiple time before aborting.

I have twocases, in one scenario destination is an MQ and in the second scenario destination is a Webservice ( I am using WS transformer stage).

And I want to build a retry logic so that incase of a connection failure to WS, my code should be able to try sending the data to the Webservice multiple time without manual intervention and if it fails even after multiple attempts then it aborts. ( And I a similiar logic for MQ stage also ).

Do we have any standard way in Datastage to schieve this functionality in Datastage? Or has any one worked on similiar approach?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:57 pm
by JoshGeorge
Modular design! When loading job, ie. loading to MQ / Webservice job fails, check for reason (If required look up with known connection error) in the job sequence and play it in a loop. Set or parameterize loop tries.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:45 pm
by eostic
Yes...that is probably the best method, because a connection failure on most Stages is fatal, and not easily capturable for techniques and tricks within the job itself.


Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:46 pm
by eostic
Yes...that is probably the best method, because a connection failure on most Stages is fatal, and not easily capturable for techniques and tricks within the job itself.
