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removal of header and trailor from seq file

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:39 am
by ankitaporwal
Hi All,

Please let me know how through Datastage job (parallel) we can remove the header and trailor in sequential file. If the header and trailor has same no of field as the records and also the delimiter is same as the record.
Is it done through HEAD /TAIL stage....
Please resolve my query.


Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:06 am
by dhanashreepanse
Head/Tail stage can't be used here since you won't know the exact number of records in the file.

In the sequential file stage, go to Output --> Properties --> Options.
Set the filter property as: sed '$d' | sed '1,1d'
First one removes the trailer and the next one removes the header.


Re: removal of header and trailor from seq file

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:31 am
by vrishabhsagar
ankitaporwal wrote:Hi All,

Please let me know how through Datastage job (parallel) we can remove the header and trailor in sequential file. If the header and trailor has same no of field as the records and also the delimiter is same as the record.
Is it done through HEAD /TAIL stage....
Please resolve my query.

If the header has a identifiable format, [like it starts with 'HDR' or a particular col like 'Record type' is 1], then you may employ either filter stage or transformer to apply a constraint to knock down header and trailers. I have done this once with fixed length file, but I am a nooB with DS Px myself. Hope this helps.