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error in DS jobs while renaming columns in transformer stage

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:38 am
by arvind_ds
My DS job design is given below.

seq_file_stage_1 --> transformer_stage -->|
.....................................................................|funnel stage --> DB2 stage
seq_file_stage_2 --> transformer_stage -->|

I am renaming few columns(which are coming from sequential file) in transfomer stage and getting below warning.

TFM_NULL: When checking operator: On output data set 0: Dropping component "DWH_SOURCE_SYSTEM" because of a prior component with the same name.
FNL_INS: When checking operator: Dropping "SOURCE_SYSTEM" in transfer from "inRec" to "outRec".

Although I have disabled RCP at project level still I am getting this error.

Please suggest.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:20 am
by maheshsada
Check the column name in sequential file, there will be already DWH_SOURCE_SYSTEM column and you are trying to change some other column with the same name.
Also check the partitioning in funnel stage(preserve partitioning should be set)