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Removing Unprintable characters

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 8:31 am
by Naveen

How to remove unprintable characters in PX.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:31 am
by ArndW
How do you define unprintable? Is it characters with ASCII values <32 and greater than 126? Any exceptions? How you code this depends upon what you need done.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:17 am
by throbinson
Could you type in a few examples?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:54 pm
by ray.wurlod
You write a parallel routine. Or you invoke a server routine through a BASIC Transformer stage.

Printable characters are defined as
  • in the ASCII range 32 through 126 if NLS is not enabled (however you may have cause to include the accented characters in the code point range 129 through 255 as well)

    those characters defined as printable in the CTYPE locale category if NLS is enabled

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:19 am
by dspxlearn

If you want to remove any control characters(low values) from you input fields just use:

Code: Select all

If InputCol < Char(32)
Then <InputCol>
Else <something>

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:21 am
by DSguru2B
I posted a routine a while back that does this. See if the code in this post helps.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:03 pm
by JoshGeorge
Here is a C++ program you can use as parallel routine to remove non printable characters from an input string. ASCII character set range can be changed according to your preference by changing values for
#define NP_RANGE_START 32 // change 32 to your value
#define NP_RANGE_END 126 // change 126 to your value
Function pxRemoveNPChars can be called with or without a second argument ie. a replace character. If replace character is not specified - remove all happens.

NOTE: This is the first version. Will try to post a modified version soon.

Code: Select all

#include<unistd.h> // for exit 

#define NP_RANGE_START  32
#define NP_RANGE_END    126

bool IsCharNP( char InCharToCheck )
	bool IsNotPrintable = false;

//#if DEBUG
//	printf("\nChecking %c %d",InCharToCheck, InCharToCheck);

   	if( (InCharToCheck > NP_RANGE_START  ) && ( InCharToCheck < NP_RANGE_END ))
		IsNotPrintable = false;
		IsNotPrintable =  true;
//#if DEBUG
//  printf("%s printable char", IsNotPrintable ? " NOT a " : " IS a ");

	return IsNotPrintable;

void Abort(char *MsgToAbortWith)
	//printf("[Abort] %s \n", MsgToAbortWith);
      return MsgToAbortWith;

char *GetNewString(int InLen)
	char *StrInMem = (char *) malloc(InLen);
	if( NULL != StrInMem )
		return StrInMem;
		Abort("Insufficient memory - malloc failed");
char *RemoveNPCharsWithoutRep(char *StrToRemove)
	int NewStrIndex = 0;
	char *TmpStr = GetNewString( strlen( StrToRemove) + 1);
	for( int index = 0; StrToRemove[index] ; index++)
		/* Check if it is a Non Printable char ? */
		if(  true == IsCharNP(StrToRemove[index]) )

		TmpStr[NewStrIndex++] = StrToRemove[index];
	TmpStr[NewStrIndex] = '\0';
	return TmpStr;

char* RemoveNPCharsWithRep(char *StrToRemove, char CharToReplace)
	for( int index = 0; StrToRemove[index] ; index++)
		/* Check if it is a Non Printable char ? */
		if(  true == IsCharNP(StrToRemove[index]) )
			StrToRemove[index] = CharToReplace;
	return StrToRemove;

 * Function 	: 	[b]pxRemoveNPChars[/b] * Input    	: 	char * InStrToRemove - IN - the input string
 * Input    	:	char ReplaceChar     - IN - the char to replace OR * if none
 * Description 	:	This function removes/replaces all the Non printable chars with the given input.
 * Note		:	Should be called with writable memory locations. Calling this function with read-only input like "Abcdefg" would fail.
 * 			Should be called with char Test[100] = "Abcdefg". RemoveNPChars(Test) and not RemoveNPChars("Abcdefg");
 * TODO		:	To be tested thorougly before use
 * */

char *pxRemoveNPChars( char *InStrToRemove , char ReplaceChar = '*')
        char *StrToRet = NULL;
        /* First check whether the Input string is valid ? */
        if( NULL == InStrToRemove )
                /* The Input was NULL , do nothing and return NULL indicating error to caller */
                return StrToRet;

        if( '*' == ReplaceChar )
		/* User does not want to replace NP chars with anything */
		char *NewString = RemoveNPCharsWithoutRep(InStrToRemove);	
		StrToRet = NewString;
                StrToRet = RemoveNPCharsWithRep(InStrToRemove, ReplaceChar);
	return StrToRet;

To test the success of this code, make it stand alone program by changing
#define NP_RANGE_START 70
in the above code and add below code as the last block

Code: Select all

/* The printable chars have been moved from 32 to 70 for testing purposes only */ 
int main()
	char TestBuffer[]="ABCDmithAAAAAbcccABCqwwwwweehfsAqAe";
	printf("Input - %s \n", TestBuffer);

	char *TmpStr = RemoveNPChars(TestBuffer,'*');
	printf("\nReturned string = %s\n", TmpStr);

	TmpStr = RemoveNPChars(TestBuffer,'$');
	printf("\nReturned string = %s\n", TmpStr);
Not tested properly from parallel routine point. Should work fine :D . Read the function description to understand how to use it. Just change the #define in the beginning to get the code working according to your preference.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:27 am
by ray.wurlod
I heard today that Massachusetts residents currently have 37 words for snow, not one of which is printable!

(For people encountering this post after later December 2007, the north east USA is presently in the grip of horrendous blizzards, snowstorms and other ugly weather.)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:09 am
by JoshGeorge
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Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:56 am
by chulett
ray.wurlod wrote:I heard today that Massachusetts residents currently have 37 words for snow, not one of which is printable!
And eastern Australians for 'flood' as well, I understand. :shock:

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:47 pm
by ray.wurlod
Nah, just a brief inundation. More your "flooding rains". Floods in other parts of the world are far worse.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:29 pm
by JoshGeorge
Modified and tested. Here is a C++ / Parallel routine which removes/replaces all the non printable chars with the given input. Developed and tested on Linux.
Function : pxRemoveNPChars *
Input : char * InStrToRemove - IN - the input string
Input : char * ReplaceChar - IN - the char to replace OR '' (empty) if none ie. for remove all.
Description : This function removes/replaces all the Non printable chars with the given input.

Code: Select all

#include<unistd.h> // for exit 

#define NP_RANGE_START  32 
#define NP_RANGE_END    126 

bool IsCharNP( char InCharToCheck ) 
   bool IsNotPrintable = false; 

   if( (InCharToCheck > NP_RANGE_START  ) && ( InCharToCheck < NP_RANGE_END )) 
      IsNotPrintable = false; 
      IsNotPrintable =  true; 
   return IsNotPrintable; 

char *GetNewString(int InLen) 
   char *StrInMem = (char *) malloc(InLen); 
   if( NULL != StrInMem ) 
      return StrInMem; 
char *RemoveNPCharsWithoutRep(char *StrToRemove) 
   int NewStrIndex = 0; 
   char *TmpStr = GetNewString( strlen( StrToRemove) + 1); 
   for( int index = 0; StrToRemove[index] ; index++) 
      /* Check if it is a Non Printable char ? */ 
      if(  true == IsCharNP(StrToRemove[index]) ) 

      TmpStr[NewStrIndex++] = StrToRemove[index]; 
   TmpStr[NewStrIndex] = '\0'; 
   return TmpStr; 

char* RemoveNPCharsWithRep(char *StrToRemove, char CharToReplace) 
   for( int index = 0; StrToRemove[index] ; index++) 
      /* Check if it is a Non Printable char ? */ 
      if(  true == IsCharNP(StrToRemove[index]) ) 
         StrToRemove[index] = CharToReplace; 
   return StrToRemove; 

 * Function    :    [b]pxRemoveNPChars[/b] * Input       :    char * InStrToRemove - IN - the input string 
 * Input       :   char ReplaceChar     - IN - the char to replace OR '' (empty) if none 
 * Description    :   This function removes/replaces all the Non printable chars with the given input. 

char *pxRemoveNPChars( char *InStrToRemove , char *ReplaceChar) 
        char *StrToRet = NULL; 
        /* First check whether the Input string is valid ? */ 
        if (( NULL == InStrToRemove ))  // || (strlen(InStrToRemove) < 1))
                /* The Input was NULL , do nothing and return NULL indicating error to caller */ 
                return StrToRet; 
        if(( NULL == ReplaceChar) ) // || (strlen(ReplaceChar) < 1) )
          /* User does not want to replace NP chars with anything */
          char *NewString = RemoveNPCharsWithoutRep(InStrToRemove);    
          StrToRet = NewString; 
         { StrToRet = RemoveNPCharsWithRep(InStrToRemove, ReplaceChar[0]); }
   return StrToRet; 