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IIS 8.0.1 MsgHandler migration from DataStage 7.5.2

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:41 pm
by cundyp
IIS 8.0.1 MsgHandler migration from DataStage 7.5.2

We are in the process of migrating production jobs from DataStage 7.5.2 to IIS 8.0.1 DataStage.

The problem that we are currently having is how to equate the DataStage
7.5.2 Message IDs with the IIS 8.0.1 DataStage Message IDs. It appears that all Message IDs in IIS 8.0.1 DataStage are preceeded with 'IIS' plus the structure is different.

IBM case 708183

IBM Answer: You are correct that the message ids are not migrating properly.

Note: We have escalated this to a P2 priority.

Anyone have any ideas on how to approach this problem?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:12 pm
by vmcburney
You could take the opportunity to re-evaluate what message handlers you need by running all your jobs through a testing environment and downgrading the warnings that show up and had accepted under version 7. Being a new version of DataStage you might find some old warnings no longer happen and some new warnings appear.

Project level MSG Handlers

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:45 am
by cundyp
We currently have implemented only project level MSG Handlers, one for each of the projects. We have three projects migrating into IIS 8.0.1 production.

Our developers would like to add more specific Msg Id MSG Handlers.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:08 pm
by vmcburney
I prefer project level message handling to job specific as they tend to be easier to manage over time and therefore less risky. If you start to spread your message handling across jobs it becomes very difficult to maintain documentation and testing around them. If you have a specific job that needs a message handler that other jobs should not have then you could redesign that job.