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Wrong Job Status in Director

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:44 am
by bhurke.tejaswini
Is it possible that Job is failed with Fetal error but still its showing the status as Finished Status in Director and also return code as 0 ?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:56 am
by rleishman
It certainly shouldn't happen, but Director is just reading from a table to get its info. I could imagine a simple corruption in the table causing such a problem.

We have a similar problem going on in V8 at the moment with multi-instance Server jobs. We have a number of very small server jobs (they process just 1 row), and every now and then one of them will run and succeed, but not return control to the calling Job Sequence. After 1 minute the calling Job Sequence gives up and fails, and the server job status is reset to "Compiled" ("0", I think). Any subsequent run of that job using the same Invocation ID will run, but no stages will start up - the job does nothing. Running the job with any other Invocation ID works OK. Resetting or recompiling the job fixes the problem.

This post seems to have the same problem: viewtopic.php?t=111461

We finally trapped it happening last week and took screen shots all the through documenting the problem. We will raise it with IBM this week.

Does that sound like your problem? If not, sorry for hijacking the thread.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:12 pm
by ray.wurlod
It is possible in parallel jobs for this situation to obtain, because the "fatal" error applies to a player process yet the conductor process (which is the only process writing to the log) is not affected.

Return code 0 means "running". I don't believe you have that right.