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Checking operator error

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:43 am
by sureshabbisetti
Hi ,

I am using a transformer to perform some validations, and then processing all error datasets using a funnel stage, which then links to a single error dataset.
When I am running the job, I am getting the following warnings.

Funnel_19: When checking operator: Dropping "FHAN62_CMY_CD" in transfer from "inrec" to "outrec"
Funnel_19: When checking operator: Dropping "X0410060_LVL1" in transfer from "inrec" to "outrec"

Any suggestions on how I can resolve this issue?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:28 pm
by ArndW
Your funnel expects to match columns with the same name and output them. In this case, those two columns are not present in both (or all) inputs.