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log information

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:35 am
by svipul16

Is there any method for getting job names and there ids which are in the sequencer.i.e when i run sequencer i want to collect the log information of sequencer which has sequencer id,job ids,jobname,seq starttime,end time.

Thank u


Re: log information

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:02 am
by anandkumarm
Try using dsjob -logsum <project_name> <jobname>
if that is what you are asking for
svipul16 wrote:Hi,

Is there any method for getting job names and there ids which are in the sequencer.i.e when i run sequencer i want to collect the log information of sequencer which has sequencer id,job ids,jobname,seq starttime,end time.

Thank u


Re: log information

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:05 pm
by svipul16
No, if i run sequencer i want the jobnames and there ids which are running in sequence.
thanks for ur reply

Try using dsjob -logsum <project_name> <jobname>
if that is what you are asking for

Re: log information

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:21 pm
by svipul16
No, if i run sequencer i want the jobnames and there ids which are running in sequence.
thanks for ur reply

Try using dsjob -logsum <project_name> <jobname>
if that is what you are asking for

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:22 pm
by ArndW
I don't know about V8, but at 7 there is no automated way of doing that directly that I can think of. But you can get at this information using the builtin routines; one of the returned values of DSGetJobInfo() is the parent job - which would be the calling job sequence. So if you looped through all jobs and got the runtime log information you wanted for each job whose parent is the job sequence you would have your result.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:37 pm
by kduke
I have a job included with EtlStats which will check to see if any job failed in a sequence called EtlChkSeqJobsNotRun. It is all job control so you have source code. It will email the log file as an html attachment any group of people you want if a job fails.

So the logic to figure out which job is in a sequence is in this job.