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Files named aptvds...stno1 in Project

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:45 am
by asorrell
Just posting this as more of an FYI for future reference. I found dozens of old files in one of our projects with names like aptvds9_o0_i0_stno1 and aptvds7_o9_i9_stno1. While talking to IBM about a different issue I asked them if it was ok to clean these files up.

Their response was that there is an environment variable called
APT_EXECUTION_MODE that can be set to ONE_PROCESS (used for debugging).

If the above is set the job writes out files with that naming convention to the local project. If the job is stopped or aborts before completion then these files will be left in the current project.

And yes, you can delete the files.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:10 am
by Kirtikumar
This is just fantastic. I encountered the problem today. My job compile was failing with error - project space not there. I saw the similar file and was just wondering could I find something on this filename which is taking 1.5 GB of space.

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