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Operational Metadata

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:18 am
by Raftsman
We have a requirement to extract and load the Operational Metadata into a Operational Data Mart. We are using Oracle 10g to store the Xmeta schema. I have looked through the tables trying to make sense on where the job information resides. Still haven't found it. I turned on the "Generate Operational Metadata" box in Administrator but I don't no where the information is stored. I read the manual and it tell me to create a MetaStage Loc Info TABLE. Not sure what this is for as the instructions are very vague.

Has anyone gathered this information for reporting purposes and if so, could you please shead some light on the situation.

I contacted IBM but it is low priority and I am not receiveing a very quick response. I am hoping some in this forum could help


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:44 pm
by kduke
Do a search for EtlStats.