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Loosing Fields when ">" in string

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:15 pm
by odesia

I have a problem with the Greater Than sign ">" when reading a char field from
a sequential file or a database (same result in both cases).

When there is a space immediatly following the ">" sign, every field before plus the beginning of
the field where that sign is located up to after the space are lost...


Field1 Field2
------ ------

"000511" "Rate1 -> Rate2"


Field1 Field2
------ ------


If I remove the space everything is o.k. but I don't want to
apply that solution because there may be other weird characters
and I want to find out why...

We're using version 7.1r2 of DataStage PX and our project's default NLS Map is ISO-8859-1

Any help will be appreciated,
