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Job Sequencer error

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:34 am
by deesh
[color=yellow]CopyOfsjLoadPoleobsprs..JobControl (fatal error from mdsRunOraProc): Error when executing command: MSScriptDir/MSRunOraProc.ksh -c TgtDB ProjectName DO_THE_TRUNCATE "'POL_EOB_SPRS_STG'"
*** Output from command was: ***
SH: MSScriptDir/MSRunOraProc.ksh

///***without autosys i runned this sequencer. first truncated the data and after tht only it will loaded. i given job parameter( what shown in first column as it is i given that parameter only) i am new for the datastage can any one guide and solve the problem please.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:09 am
by chulett
Welcome aboard. Kind of confusing for a first post, but let's see...

So, this has nothing to do with AutoSys or how you run the Sequence job, right? What is happening is somewhere in your Sequence job you are trying to run a script and that script is failing. Right?

If that's the case, we'd need more information about what you are doing to be able to help. We can tell you are using the ExecuteCommand stage and that it failed. Verify that you have setup everything correctly - first problem looks to be the fact that you need the full path to 'MSScriptDir' as relative paths won't work inside a job unless you know exactly where to put things. Unless that was supposed to be a parameter? Parameters are not supported in the Command (first) box. :?

If that doesn't fix things, then you'd need to let us know exactly what you have in each half of the ExecuteCommand stage and probably need to show us your script as well.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:44 pm
by ray.wurlod
What happens when you execute MSScriptDir/MSRunOraProc.ksh outside of DataStage, but with the same arguments?