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Routine returns error after getting correct return value

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:18 am
by rmcclure
I have a sequencer job that calls a routine to return the last updated date time. If I go into edit routine and test it, it will retunr the correct datetime value. But when I complie and run the job it returns the following error:

FIELD_SEQ_J_Fact_PS_F_INV_LDGR_E1..JobControl (@GetLastUpdDateTime): Controller problem: Unhandled failure (2007-10-26 09:19:12) encountered calling routine DSU.GetLastUpdDateTime

There is another routine in the sequence that should return the next bacth number. It also fails with the same error except that the return code is the batch number.

Both of these routines are used in other jobs and work fine.

I have tried:
Compiling the routine
Removing the routine, re-adding it and compiling
Restarting the services.
Creating a copy of the job, deleting the original and renaming the copy
I copied this job to our test environment and ran it and it works fine there.

Any other ideas??

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:43 am
by chulett
Search the forums for "unhandled failure", it has been discussed here a bajillion times.